
The essentials about The Ultime Western

FAQ Ultime Western

In May 2023, it will be 5 days in the studios including 3 days of Live Action adventure. The dates aren’t set yet and depend of a sufficient number of people to set an english run of the adventure.

Your character will be written based on the general scenario and your wishes and ideas. A Background story of your character will be supplied to you and, ike a little novel, will contain all what your character need to know.

No, when you decide to be off the set (lunch or sleep), your character is off-set.

Due to the special nature of the location, it is essential that you follow the ’safety instructions‘ provided (fire, gun fights simulation, safety for others,…). Our organization enforce safety and reserves the right to suspend your participation in the event of an incident or serious breach (of the safety of others or of the site and its personnel), and to remove you from the adventure. Safety First is the rule !

Registration, prices, and more !

If you have registred on our website, you will receive information on tickets openging for the next editions. From that, get your ticket and complete the registration process ! Simple no ?

Subscribe to our registration form. Receive the information on tickets opening. Follow the process !

For May 2023, ticket prices run from 1290€ down to 890€ (group price – minimum 4). Tickets include character writing, access to the 5 days at the studios, food and beverage, guns and ammo supplied by our company (no other guns nor replicas are allowed for the adventure), and some extra stuff !

Lucky you ! We have a costume rental deal ! Your ticket aleardy include your gun and holstger but we can get you a real old west looking costume (with extra dust !). If you have your own (because you are a total fan of the era) we only need to get a picture of you in it to make sure it looks appropriate.

Basically your travel to the studios and hotel rooms. we supply full list of hotels and AirBnB within 10mn radius of the studios. We know that people like to consider this adventure as a part of a trip to Spain so it gives them free opportunity to set their lodging as they pleased. Prices are very cheap for a night room (from 35 to 65€ night in average).

Of course you can ! You can either rent a van / campingcar space or even an old west room on the set (only 3 available !). You will book this directly with the Studios.

They are part of the deal (included with your ticket !). Lunch and diner + special diner and BBQ events are included. Extra beverages are to pay at the studio saloon and we have our own saloon (in game) where you can get extra drinks !

My travel to the Studios and The Ultime Western !

Take a low-cost flight ! There are numerous flights available to Almeria Airport (15mn away drive from the studios !)

As a guest, you will be welcomed the day before the adventure starts. We will then set your costume and props, give your „game“ dollars and exclusive photoshoot !